For Brands

Everything you need for data-driven, better ROI, and cost-saving solutions.

Unlimited creator discovery from search or AI recommendation

CrowdCore offers extensive search filters to find influencers worldwide, perfectly aligned with your campaign goals. Segment your searches using 30 filters, including brand, keyword, bio, and hashtags. Identify creators that match your objectives and confidently enter collaborations.
Invite Influencers Made Easy

Creators already love your brand

You can activate influential creators from your customer base with our influencer matching features.

collaboration acceptance rate
Automated recommendations for more influencers

Automate the looksalike creator discovery by latest AI

Upload the creators you’ve worked with and provide reviews for them. Let our AI fine-tune your preferences and learn the fit between your brand and influencers. Our AI will then find lookalike creators for you, ensuring better ROI without the need for manual searches.

Find best perfoming creators for you

Filter low perfoming creators for you

Empower your manually invitations

A full creator search engine

You can search for 200M global creators from TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube.

based on content, audience, and performance to truly compliment your brand.

This search allows you to filter profiles based on various criteria: Target Platform, Follower Count, Subscriber Count, Content Count, Audience Gender, Creator Gender, Audience Age, Creator Age, Description Keywords, Verification Status, Contact Details, Last Post Timestamp, Audience Language, Creator Language, Audience Interests, Audience Interest Affinities, Creator Interests, Audience Brand Affinities, Creator Brand Affinities, Average Likes, Average Views, Engagement Rate, Sponsored Posts, Brand Sponsors, Instagram Options (Reel Views), Audience Locations, Creator Locations, Follower Growth, Subscriber Growth, Bio Phrase, Hashtags, Mentions, Topic Relevance, Audience Lookalikes, Platform Account Type, Creator Account Type, Creator Lookalikes, Creator Location, Audience Location, Sorting Order, Pagination (Limit and Offset), Audience Source, Total Engagements, Audience Credibility Category, Audience Credibility Score, Official Artist Status, Availability of Audience Info, Share Count, Save Count, Exclude Private Profiles, and Platform Username.

Transfer trust and credit among products.
Transfer trust and credit among products.

Access accurate and reliable data to make informed decisions

Identify fake followers with our analysis to distinguish genuine audience members from inauthentic ones. Gain detailed information about the quality of your audience to understand their value and engagement level.

Basic Creator Information

Unique ID of the Analytics Report, Status of the Submitted Job, Report Generated At, Updated At, Work Platform details including its unique ID, name, and logo URL. Profile Username, Profile URL, Profile Image URL, Full Name, Introduction. Location Details including City, State, and Country.

Followers Data

Follower Count, Subscriber Count, Verification Status, Average Likes, Average Comments, Average Views, Average Reels Views, Engagement Rate, Content Count, Sponsored Posts Performance.

Top Hashtags and Mentions

Top Hashtags, Top Mentions. Top Interests, Brand Affinity.

Content Details

Top Contents posted on the profile including Type, URL, Description, Thumbnail URL, Engagement Stats, Published At. Recent Contents posted on the profile, Sponsored Contents posted on the profile.

Lookalike Profiles

Lookalikes including Profile Username, URL, Image URL, Follower Count, Subscriber Count, Verification Status.

Audience Demographics

Ethnicities, Languages, Brand Affinity, Interests, Follower Types, Lookalikes, Credibility Score, Credibility Score Band, Significant Followers Percentage, Significant Followers.

Contact Information

Contact Details including Type and Value.

Discover creators for free. Start inviting creators today.